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Over 5000 happy patients

Get Back to Doing the Things YOU Love

At Errol Street Chiropractic we understand how frustrating back pain can be. It can slow you down or even stop you from doing things that you love. Perhaps you can't exercise the way you would like, or you're having trouble getting out of bed with ease. Maybe playing with the children or grandchildren isn't as comfortable as you would like.

There are many people just like you, who are concerned about what their body is going to like in 5 or 10 years time. These same people aren't sure of where to go for help.

We can help. Our job is to transform your worries into solutions, and get you back to your old self.

 Over 5000 happy patients

 More than 30 years

Our Chiro Blog

Want to learn more about your health? Our blog articles can help you improve your lifestyle choices, how you move, how you think and how you eat, in a practical and fun way.

Meet our Melbourne Chiropractor

Dr Lisa Smycz

Dr Lisa Smycz

Doctor of Chiropractic
Hi, I am Dr Lisa Smycz, a Doctor of Chiropractic, principle chiropractor and founder of the Errol Street Chiropractic Centre in North Melbourne. I have been a family chiropractor for the past two decades, with a special interest in peri-natal care, caring for pregnant women, babies and children. I also look after the adults of the family and work with parents, grandparents and often, entire family units.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Our focus is to provide the best results in spinal health in the shortest possible time frame.

When we are assessing our new patients we are interested in finding out two things: How well the spine if moving (functioning). A well functioning spine allows you to move your spine optimally and perform daily tasks and exercise at your best.

Chiropractic is vital to detect any spinal joints that are restricted, or ‘subluxated’ and improve the function of the joint. We do this with gentle adjustments to the spinal joints, taking into consideration the age, level of development and health history of the individual.

2. How well is the spine aligned (structure). The health of your spinal curves is reflected in your posture. We access posture using Posture Screen Analysis®. We use Chiropractic BioPhysics to detect any spinal curve changes from the ideal, and then help to restore normal spinal alignment with its multimodal rehabilitation system. This includes mirror image adjusting®, mirror image neuromuscular rehabilitation and traction.

This combination of assessing the spinal movement at the facet joint level AND assessing the overall alignment and posture allows us to get great results. We often get the ‘hard cases’, people that have seen other practitioners, because of this focus on structure and function.

We take pride in our level of care. We strive to enhance people’s understanding of what their body needs to function at a higher level and work closely with people to reduce the stressors and strains on their body to get the best results, in the shortest time.
When people come to us they arrive with different goals in mind. Our goal, as chiropractors, is to find out what the problems or concerns of the new patient’s are and then find out whether we have the best treatment and advice to help.

Some come in for pain reduction. We see people with:

Headaches Shoulder tension Low back pain Neck pain Arm pain Leg pain Sciatica

We see people who wish to maintain their spinal health and optimise the benefits that a well functioning and aligned spine brings. These people may be:

Mothers dealing with young children Athletes looking for the extra edge in their sports performance Office workers & business owners Labourers Retirees wishing to stay active for as long as possible

Another area of care that we focus on is paediatrics and pregnancy care. Our chiropractors have undertaken extensive further studies in these areas and often our reception area will reflect that - there may be a pregnant lady, a baby in a pram or children in the practice.

What ever the reason someone comes to us with we will let them know if they are a chiropractic case and what treatment will involve. We answer all your questions and make sure you are 100% clear on what care will look like at Errol Street Chiropractic, guiding you through each step and doing regular checks to ensure that your progress in on track. Lots of our patients are referrals from other patients, so most people that come in are aware of the great results we often achieve.
Sciatica is a term that describes pain that is generated by the irritation of the sciatic nerve in the lower back and pelvis. If anyone has suffered from sciatica, they understand how severe the pain can be and how disruptive it can be to the daily life.

The sciatic nerve starts in the lower back and goes down the back of the leg to the foot. In fact, it is the longest nerve in the body and hence, when it is irritated, it can give you severe pain. Here is a list of some the symptoms that people may be experiencing with sciatica:

sharp, shooting pain down the back of the leg pins and needles down the thighs and leg numbness in the leg or foot weakness in leg muscles burning, prickling sensations sharp pain in low back and leg

What causes the sciatic nerve to get irritated?

1.Often where leg pain is worse than the low back pain then disc involvement may be the cause. Disc disease. When disc damage, such as disc bulging, disc herniation or sequestration occurs, this can place direct pressure on the nerves exiting the spine and cause sciatica Disc degeneration. In these cases the narrowed disc, with associated degenerative spur development can cause pressure on the nerves or inflame the nerves, leading to sciatica. In these cases the chiropractor may find that nerve tests are positive, such as reflexes, muscle strength skin sensation. Depending on the severity of the case, the chiropractor may need to refer out for MRI or CT imaging to assist in the diagnosis.

2.When low back pain is present and leg pain is more painful and there are less sensations such ‘pins and needles’ and numbness then the problem may be due to altered spinal/pelvic joint function. Nerve tests are less likely to be positive and chiropractors can often help by improving the spinal function and neuromuscular control of the area.

The video goes through:

1. Postures to avoid
2. A stretch to help relieve the symptoms
3. Mindful meditation

Our chiropractors are trained to detect scoliosis in children and adults. We understand which cases need referring our and which cases we can help with Chiropractic BioPhysics. Our goal is to get the best outcome for our patients.

If you suffer from scoliosis, the team at Errol Street Chiropractic Centre can help you with scoliosis pain treatment.

Scoliosis is a condition that involves the unwanted curvature of the straight spine, when looking at the spine from front to back. It usually begins formation during adolescence and is more common in females than males. As we age, the condition can lead to severe and ongoing back pain if it is left untreated.

While scoliosis is not always painful, it can lead to pain. Here are a few indicators that scoliosis may be present:

• One leg seems to be longer than the other • Pain in the lower back • Discomfort in standing for long periods of time • Crooked shoulders • A visible curve in the spine • Uneven hips

It is recommended that parents check their child’s spine using these indicators above as soon as they can stand up and keep still. The best time to check a child is before they start going into their pubescent years. As girls mature earlier than boys and are more prone to scoliosis, then late primary school age is an ideal time. If you are not sure if your child has a scoliosis, then a visit to a chiropractor is advised.

Adults suffer from scoliosis too and are often present because their childhood scoliosis has not been corrected.

The prevalence of Scoliosis increases with age....

• 0.3% – 0.5% in children
• 2% – 4% above the age of 18 years
• 9% in over 40 year olds
• 30%+ in over 60 year olds
• 50%+ in over 90 year olds

Ref:2010 Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery - British Volume, Vol 92-B, Issue 7, 980-983 Spine 2011 Apr 20;36(9):731-6.
The goal of the initial consultation is for the chiropractor to determine whether you are in the right place. We need to go through an evaluation to determine if your health concern is within our scope of practice and if we feel we can help.

During the first visit we will:

- Let you know exactly what the visit will entail - Take a full medical history. Understanding if and what are past and current stressors. Past injuries may have an impact on your current spinal health. - Posture Screen Analysis® with results emailed to you. - Orhopaedic, neurological, functional spinal assessment. - Referral for further testing may occur

You need to allow approximately 45minutes for the initial visit. Once we have determined that you are a chiropractic case we will do one of two things. If we have gathered all the information about your case on the first visit, we will start some care. If we have referred out for X-rays, we need to wait for those results and do our X-ray analysis before we can start care.

Our treatment will begin once:

All relevant information is gathered You have a thorough understanding of what is going on You are 100% clear on what treatment will involve and all times frames around that

We always find that when someone is 100% committed to their care, they get the best results. There is always a component of care that needs to occur at home or work each day. This may be corrective mirror image exercises, postural advice, home tractions or specific spinal strengthening work. Patients achieve the best results when they follow through with the recommendations of care.

Any other questions? Feel free to give us a call.


222 Errol Street North Melbourne 3051

We are members of.....

Australian Chiropractors Association
International Chiropractic Pediatric Association
College of Chiropractic Paediatrics

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