How well can does your Low Back Move?
Check out your Low Back Mobility
In this video we go through some movements to answer the question, ‘how well does your low back move? Each day we are perform a myriad of activities and most of those will require movement in the low back.
Stiffness in this area can make these activities tricky and many people get so used to feeling stiff and perhaps sore in their back, that they then think nothing of it.
Low back stiffness is not normal.
The following activities should not cause stiffness and pain;
- Getting dressed
- Turning over in bed
- Picking up small children
- Getting in and out of the car
- Putting your shoes on
Try the following movements:
These movements that we go through should not cause pain, aches or pulling. The sided movements should feel even. Give them a go.
1. Bending forward
Keeping knees straight as you bend forward. Ideally your fingertips should touch your toes, without causing any strain. How did you go?
2. Bending backward
Bend backwards without bending your knees. There should be approximately 30 degrees of extension, as you move and with no pain or stiffness.
3. Side bending
Stand with your arms by your side. Move to the side and take note of how far your fingertips reached. Try the other side and see if there’s any difference. How did you go, was it easy and even or was there pain involved?
4. Rotation
Rotate your torso to one side and then other other, taking note of how far you go each side and if there was any restrictions or discomfort.
5. Knees to chest
While lying on the ground on your back, bring your knees to your chest by hugging them. Were you able to bring your knees against your chest or was your low back stiff and/or sore?
What to do if you are having trouble with these moves:
Try using these moves as a form of exercise, by performing them 5-10 times once a day. Over a two week period, if you continue these exercises, then your range of movement should improve and pain and stiffness should subside. If the problem is not muscular, then it may be more joint related and a visit to your local musculoskeletal expert is recommended.
Lisa Smycz, chiropractor
If you would like to know more about what ideal posture looks like, then CLICK HERE. To find out if you can pass the sit to stand test CLICK HERE.
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