Check out your Low Back Mobility
In this video we go through some movements to answer the question, ‘how well does your low back move? Each day we are perform a myriad of activities and most
Test your NECK rotation?
If you experience neck pain and stiffness after spending long hours of your day sitting, the you may want to take this test your neck mobility.
Why is full neck movement important:
Neck mobility
Unsightly upper back HUMP? Get help here.
We get 2-3 people in a week complaining about their upper back hump, what is often referred to as a Dowager’s hump. In this video we go through the
Does your core strength pass the test?
Have you ever thought about how your core strength affects your posture? A strong core helps to protect our spine and plays an important role in our ability to
3 things for you to check when sitting
If you have low back issues or you wish to look after your spinal health, then this blog can help. If you wish to avoid these 3 things
Do YOU Pass?
How often are you getting up and down from your desk throughout the day? In this video we ask this question, do you pass the sit to stand test?
This is what some people
Are you ticking the posture boxes?
As you look around at any given time, people are more and more on their phones. Whether at work, walking, or on public transport, lots are looking down. With phone
Test your hamstrings...
Sitting for prolonged periods of time can affect your hamstring tightness. In this blog you can find out how to test your hamstrings and what you can do to help.
Can you touch your
Number one sleep posture to avoid
We sleep for a third to a quarter of the day, so getting the best and restful sleep is important. In this blog we go through the worst sleep posture
How well does your Mid-Back move?
If you find yourself sitting for long periods of the day then this blog will help you test your mid-back mobility. Read on if you find yourself doing the following: