Holidays should be times of relaxation, fun and adventure! A time to spend with some special people in your life. Some people wait all year around for this holiday, putting in lots of effort into its planning. 

It shouldn’t be a time of dealing with lower back pain, putting a major dent in your holiday! 

Dr. Lisa is one of chiropractors at Errol Street Chiropractic, and in this video she goes through 5 tips to help people prevent lower back aggravations as they make their way on holidays. Often in January and February, we get several people coming into our office who have relapses of their lower back condition due to something that has happened on holidays. Sometimes it even cuts holiday time short because the pain can get that bad! Not fun at all. 

Most of the time these issues can be prevented by following some simple tips. These suggestions are really common sense, but are often missed and can often not only aggravate some lower backs, but also the rest of the family! Sounds familiar?

1. Packing car.

When packing the car firstly avoid carrying too many things in one go. Take an extra trip or two or get the rest of the family to help (good luck there, I hear!!). Pack heavy things close to the door, or the front of the boot, so it is easier taking these items out at the other end. Lift with your legs and carry goods close to your body to avoid unnecessary strain to your lower back. 

2. Take frequent stops.

CAR TRAVEL: If travelling by car, then factor into your travelling time some stops. Aim to get a break every 1-2 hours. Take a brisk walk, stretch your back, legs and arms. Watch the video to find out a few recommended stretches. Great idea to get some air and recharge yourself, ready for the next leg of the trip.

PLANE TRAVEL: If you are travelling on a plane get up every 30minutes or so. Always helps if you have an aisle seat, so you don’t disturb the person next to you! First class travel avoids all that (ha ha). You can still do some stretches at the back of the plane.

Moving more often will help to prevent too much stress and strain on the lower back.

3. Drink water.

Keeping hydrated helps you to stay more alert. This is especially helpful if you are driving and have a fair way to go to get to your destination. Avoiding too much alcohol and drinking more water on the plane helps you to settle into a new time zone with greater ease. Tight muscles are aggravated with dehydration – so a wonderful reason to drink plenty of water. If you are travelling in the car, more stops will be required – so this helps to stretch your legs and back too!

4. Bring your pillow.

If you have room in your car, then best to take your own pillow. This will help to prevent tension build up in your neck and back. Pity your can’t take your mattress with you on holidays, assuming you have a good mattress! Having a good night sleep helps to your body heal and repair, ready for the next day’s adventures!

5. Use backpack.

If you intend to do lots of walking during your holiday, then it is a good idea to have a backpack. Often there are drink bottles, food (if travelling with children) and bits and pieces that add up and weigh. Carrying around these items in a bag off one shoulder can aggravate lower back issues, especially if you are walking for distances. Wear the backpack fastened correctly around waist and chest (if chest strap is available) and do not wear the backpack below your waist.