Cervical Denneroll comes in 3 Sizes

The Cervical (neck) Denneroll is a device that Chiropractors use to help improve the flexibility and alignment of neck posture and alignment. There are 3 sizes for the Cervical Denneroll, and in this blog we are going through the considerations for each use.

Choosing Wisely

Choosing the correct sized Denneroll is very important when achieving the best and fastest results. An incorrectly fitted Denneroll may aggravate the person’s condition, so it is vital that either the large, medium or small one is fitted accurately.

Taking Flexibility into account

Here are a few considerations we take when looking a fitting someone with one of the 3 sizes for the Cervical Denneroll:

  • the flexibility of the person
  • someone with a larger frame may require a medium Denneroll if they are inflexible
  • a slight person who is flexible, may require a large Denneroll

Choosing the right Chiropractor

When looking for a neck curve and posture concern, here are two considerations for you:

  1. For a chiropractor to understand the basics of prescribing a Denneroll, they should have training with Denneroll Australia.
  2. A chiropractor that is a Certified Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP) practitioner

Need to upsize the Denneroll?

When a person’s neck curve is reduced they may also experience symptoms, such as stiffness or pain. Initially, an inflexible neck may require a Medium Denneroll, as it is smaller. With time, as they become more flexible, then the chiropractor may upsize them to a large one.

Children going through a growth spurt may require to upsize from a Pediatric (small) Denneroll to a Medium one.

Symptoms worse?

A chiropractor that uses the Dennerolls in their office will not only show the patient which Denneroll size they require, but also, where to place the Denneroll. At times, the positioning of the Denneroll at home will not match the set up in the office.

If there is aggravation of symptoms, then:

  • stop using the Denneroll and consult your Chiropractor
  • check with your Chiropractor that your set up is the same one given to you in the office

If you have any questions about your Denneroll, please feel free to contact us.

Lisa Smycz

chiropractor North Melbourne


The Australian Chiropractors Association has a free App called Straighten up Australia. CLICK HERE. If you would like to know more about what front on posture should look like CLICK HERE.  Find out how to assess side posture, please CLICK HERE.

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