Get Moving throughout the Day
Spending long hours at a desk can take a toll on your posture and overall well-being. Incorporating these simple desk exercises for better posture, into your day and can make a
Better outcomes for Neck Pain sufferers
Chronic neck pain is not only annoying for the person suffering - we know that it is the 4th greatest contributor to global disability, but also to the chiropractor to
Cervical Denneroll comes in 3 Sizes
The Cervical (neck) Denneroll is a device that Chiropractors use to help improve the flexibility and alignment of neck posture and alignment. There are 3 sizes for the Cervical Denneroll,
Prescribing the Cervical Denneroll
The Cervical Denneroll is prescribed for people with a significantly reduced forward neck curve. In this video we look at how we prescribe the Cervical Denneroll.
Neck : job description
The cervical (neck)
7 tips when using the Cervical Denneroll
The Cervical Denneroll is used to improve the loss of the normal forward curve. The Denneroll is an orthopaedic device that is a part of
Need to find an answer to your neck problem?
Persistent neck issues could be due to a few reasons, in fact, we often see all three going on in the same time. This blog may be
Some surprising research
Recent research in the Journal of Clinical Medicine, shows us when bad posture feels good. They found that people with forward head posture (FHP) find that their neck is less painful when slouching.
Neck pain can be due to a mid back HUMP...
Have you been suffering with unexplained neck pain and symptoms? In this blog we are are exploring how neck issues can be due to mid back
Neck pain is, for many people in our community, a problem that can effect daily life. From mood, concentration to quality of sleep. In this video, we go through the number 1 neck stretch given
Each week, we have 5 to 10 new people coming into our office with back stiffness. In this video, we go through 3 tips to fix neck/shoulder tension and improve your posture.
Noticing any of the