A Cause of Back Pain often missed – lack of CURVES
Get some help for that persistent back pain
Many people that visit our office, have been suffering for an extended period of time. They are frustrated with the pain and want to find why they’re in pain. The cause of back pain is often missed and in this blog we go through what that is and how we can help.
What is normal alignment of the spine?
One if the jobs of the spine is to hold you up and create support for good posture. Arms and legs attach to the spine, so a healthy spine allows us to not only stand up, but move with strength and proper balance.
Front to back posture: When looking at the spine from the front, we need to have balance between left and right side of the spine. There should be no tilting or twisting of the spine.
Side posture: When looking at the spine on the side, we should have ear sitting over the mid point of the shoulder, hip, knee and ankle. A plumb line dropped down would ideally pass through these points.
Why do we need curves?
The spine needs side curves to absorb the shock and allow for propulsion. The neck has a normal forward curve of 40 degrees, as does the low back curve. The mid back, or thoracic spine, has a normal backward curve of 37degrees.
Changes in these curve will create extra loading to joints, tissues and nerves and eventually leads to fatigue and possible pain. Long term changes in the structure of the spine is a common cause of degeneration or osteoarthritis.
How do we assess the curves?
During our first assessment, we include a postural analysis with the aid of the Posture Screen program. This gives us an indication of how well the spine is stacked up and if there is any evidence of twisting or tilting. We may organise X-rays if the assessment warrants it.
What can be done to help poor spinal curves?
Every spinal problem requires a unique and individualised approach to care. Here are some of the ways that we use to assist in improving the alignment of the spine:
- spinal adjustments to improve joint movement
- specific neuro muscular rehabilitation exercises
- traction on the Denneroll traction table
- postural advice for home and office
- sleep posture advice
If you need help with your spine and feel that you have postural changes that concern you, then feel free to contact us or check out our website.
If you would like to know more about distinguishing between tendinitis, tendinopathy and bursitis, CLICK HERE. Find out how a Cervical Denneroll can help the neck curve, CLICK HERE.
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Lisa, director