Low Back Disc Traction

Low back disc issues can be mild or severe in nature. In cases that qualify for Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP) and do that do not require surgery, traction can offer relief from referred pain and low back stiffness. Find out more about low back disc issues & traction.

The 3 types of low back disc issues

  • 1. MILD-Disc bulge. A slight defect in the disc can cause the central component (nucleus) to bulge slightly. This often goes undetected as it is a mild tear.
  • 2. MODERATE-Disc prolapse. This is a more severe tear in the disc fibers, and the contents of the disc may impinge the nerves/spinal cord. Inflammation and symptoms are more likely present.
  • 3. SEVERE-Sequestration. The disc ‘leaks’, causing more contact with nerves and even spinal cord. More inflammation and symptoms usually present

How do Discs get Damaged?

  • Heavy lifting, especially if spinal flexion and twisting is involved
  • Injury (sporting, car accident etc.) and falls
  • Chronic poor posture, leading to structural imbalance & uneven load on discs
  • Age and degenerative changes

Symptoms of possible Disc Involvement

  • Low back pain
  • Leg pain/numbness
  • Foot pain/numbness
  • Tingling in the leg or foot
  • Loss of strength in the leg or foot
  • Stiffness in the low back
  • Shooting/burning pain in the leg or foot

Chiropractic BioPhysics Treatment

  • CBP targets structural abnormalities of the spine and assists in restoring ideal spinal alignment and improving spinal function
  • In addition to traditional chiropractic care, CBP offers spinal traction, which may involve a combination of in office traction on the Denneroll table and/or at home Denneroll use.
  • Over time Spinal traction applies deep stretch to the spine to help improve flexibility, posture and spinal alignment.

People who suffer with Low back disc issues may qualify for chiropractic care. Locate your local CBP doctor through the CBP official website, www.idealspine.com. And remember to share this blog, Low Back disc issues & traction.

Lisa Smycz

chiropractor North Melbourne


The Australian Chiropractors Association has a free App called Straighten up Australia. CLICK HERE. If you would like to know more about what front on posture should look like CLICK HERE.  Find out how to assess side posture, please CLICK HERE.

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