What’s Dr. Lisa, chiropractor, doing to keep FIT in lockdown?

So what is a chiropractor doing to keep fit? People in our office are often interested in how Britt and I keep fit and active. So here I am, sharing what I do in the week to maintain some movement

I find that organising my week around exercise has been working well during lockdown. This is what my week includes:

  • 3 core and functional workouts
  • Daily walks of 40 minutes, accompanied by our dog My-Li or my husband
  • 3 online yoga sessions

Before lockdown I would do 5 gym workouts a week and 1-2 yoga sessions on line.

I do find I miss my weight training and Im not working out as intensely. Some days I will go out for an extra walk, I have even started running occasionally with my husband. Well it’s more of a shuffle really. My sons laugh at me because they have never seen their mum run! I think the last time I ran was when I was 13 years old.

Keep moving everyone. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at info@errolstchiro.com.au. We are more than happy to help.

Find out how much water you should be drinking daily, CLICK HERE. Should you eat before you exercise, Dr. Britt answers this commonly asked question. CLICK HERE.

Lisa, director

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