Not only a Prince can have perfect posture – you can too!

Find out what Princess Bal-ance did to find her perfect postured prince.

When we talk about posture as chiropractors, we find people look at us blankly. Mostly because most people know that their posture may not be perfect and they don’t know where to start. Just look around at any time and we will see people stooped over their computers at work. Out and about we see people hunched over their phones while waiting for a tram or train. Even at home, most family members can spend hours on their phones or iPads, screening series or shopping on line

. How often do we see people sitting or standing with perfect posture?

So we thought we would make a tale about a princess in search of her prince with perfect posture in the hope to hope of entertaining and educating you and your family about:

-what is good posture?

-what does it look like?

-how you can check your posture by using our ‘dot’ system? The green dots show how posture should line up when looking at someone from the side and the blue dots show how someone posture should be aligned when looking at them from the front. 

-what you can do if your posture needs correcting?

If you have any questions about helping you move towards that perfect posture , feel free to message us or call us and one of our chiropractors will be more than happy to speak to your personally.

If your core needs strengthening please CLICK HERE  for a 4 minute core exercise program  or perhaps your stiff lower back requires stretching, CLICK HERE.

Lisa Smycz, director

Errol Street Chiropractic Centre

222 Errol Street North Melbourne

9329 1118

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