How do I improve my POSTURE?
Your Posture is Imprortant
Each day, we get people asking us “How do I improve my posture”. All age groups are becoming more aware of how the daily use of phones, iPads and other electronic devices, is having an impact on their posture.
Gaining and maintaining good posture is vital for overall health. Balance in posture helps to prevent back and neck problems, improves breathing and projects self confidence. Achieving the best posture, try incorporating body awareness, spinal alignment, and core exercises into your routine.
Here are some tips for – How do I improve my POSTURE?:
1. Awareness:
- Mindfulness: Pay attention to your posture during the day. Checking in regularly with your body to make sure you are sitting, standing, and moving with a balanced way.
- Ergonomic awareness: Assess your work environment, including your desk, chair, and computer setup – ensure that it supports good posture and adjust your workspace to reduce postural strain.
- Posture cues: Set a timer to remind you to straighten up.
- Body scans: From time to time, do quick body scans to determine any areas of tension or discomfort, and then adjust your posture accordingly or get up and move around.
2. Alignment:
Head: Keep your head aligned with your spine. Avoid craning your neck forward, by having your ears over your shoulders.
Shoulders: Keep shoulders down, not hunched up. Imagine pulling your shoulder blades back and down.
Spine: Maintain the natural curves of your spine when sitting, standing or lying down. Use a pillow in the small of your back when sitting.
Knees and feet when sitting: Your knees should be at hip level or slightly lower, and feet flat on the floor. If your feet don’t touch the floor when sitting, use a footrest or lower the chair.
3. Exercise:
Core strengthening: A strong core is vital to support your spine and maintain good posture. Including exercises that target core muscles, such as planks and bridges, are important.
Stretching: Stretching the muscles that tend to get tight due to poor posture helps to maintain good posture. Slumping often tightens the chest, hip flexors, and hamstrings.
Yoga and Pilates: These practices can improve posture by working on flexibility, body awareness, strength and balance.
What if none of the above work?
If you continue to experience pain and posture problems, then the problem could be deeper, at a spinal level. There may look like:
- Scoliosis
- Anatomical short leg
- Pelvic imbalance
- Spinal kinks
- Loss or increase in normal side curves
- Dowagers hump
How do I get HELP?
Consider seeing a physical therapist or a chiropractor for a personalized assessment and treatment plan to improve spinal balance and function.
Remember to follow the tips above and check in with your body alignment, ergonomic set up, level of core strength and habits around daily habits. It takes time and persistence to improve any necessary areas, and before these new habits become ‘normal’.
If you have any questions around How do I improve my POSTURE?, please feel free to contact us on 9329 1118 or email
Lisa Smycz, director and principal chiropractor at Errol Street Chiropractic Centre
The Australian Chiropractors Association has a free App called Straighten up Australia. CLICK HERE. If you would like to know more about what front on posture should look like CLICK HERE. Find out how to assess side posture, please CLICK HERE.
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