9 ways to Prevent Tendinitis, Tendinopathy and Bursitis
9 Ways to help Prevent Joint Inflammation
Last time we looked at the difference between tendinitis, tendinopathy and bursitis. In this blog we discuss 9 ways to help prevent tendinitis, tendinopathy and bursitis and to help speed up the recovery if you are already suffering with one of or more of these issues.
These conditions may not always be avoided, however the risk of development and a flare up can be prevented. Here are a few things to consider:
9 tips to help tendinitis, tendinopathy & bursitis
1. Kneeling pads.
If you are gardening or working on your knees, then padding the knees my help to take some pressure off.
2.Proper Lifting.
Avoid excessive strain on shoulders and hips by using safe lifting procedures. Lift some objects where possible and bend your knees.
3.Take a break.
With tasks that involve a lot of repetition, take regular breaks.
4. Stay in healthy weight range.
Carrying excess body weight places more stress on hip, knees and ankles.
5. Stretching.
Ensure you warm up and stretch before you play sport, exercise or start a physical job or hobby. This will help to increase the joint range of movement and reduce load on tendons and bursae.
6.Exercise regularly.
3-4 strengthening sessions a week can help to keep muscle strong and protect joints. Alternate high impact exercises and sports with gentler exercise, such as swimming, so your body recovers after each session.
7. Improve technique.
Maintaining good posture and technique during sporting activities, hobbies or at work is vital for your joint health. If starting a new sport or using new gym equipment, consider getting lessons from a professional.
8. Maintain good posture.
Keep shoulders back and avoid rounding. This will minimise strain on the muscles around the shoulder. Areas that are stiff in the mid or upper back will prevent good upright posture. See a musculoskeletal expert for spinal care.
Sound desk ergonomics assists in more neutral shoulder, elbow and wrist positions, keeping strain on tendons to a minimum.
Getting up every 30 minutes when at the desk will help reduce stress and tension around hips.
9. Spinal health.
Overall structural and postural health is vital for balanced movement through the limbs. Stiff areas of the spine and pelvis will create imbalance in the muscle activation around shoulders and hips. Sports or physical hobbies will be impacted as excess loading on these joints as well as the rest of the joints in the extremities. This may lead to joint/tendon strain.
Frequent flare up of a tendon or bursa can lead to complications such as tendon tears or ruptures. Take care to prevent further injuries by making sure that adequate rest and proper rehabilitation is taken. The more you adhere to these 9 ways to prevent tendinitis tendinopathy and bursitis, the more of a chance you have of a speedy recovery.
Serious injuries can require surgery without proper treatment and preventative measures put in place.
If you would like to know more about distinguishing between tendinitis, tendinopathy and bursitis, CLICK HERE. Find out how a Cervical Denneroll can help the neck curve, CLICK HERE.
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Lisa, director