Stiff, aching backs and shoulders could be an indicator or underlying problems.

How often do you get your teeth checked? Every 6months or so (or at least should be!) We know with out teeth that it is better to get a regular check-up to prevent decay and disease in our teeth and gums.

The same is true for our spines. However, not many people think about their spinal health. Our spines need to move well and be well aligned to ensure that our nervous system is stress free. This allows our cells and tissues, our organs and limbs to function optimally. Sitting for several hours in the day does place undue stress on our neck and spine, even when we are exercises an hour a day.

Often when people attend our office with severe neck or low back pain, it is usually preceded by a history of stiffness or minor aches. People feel that stiffness is normal, that it doesn’t really impact their day and often just ignore it.

In the video Dr. Lisa, chiropractor, goes through 5 movements that you can do to assess on a how well your spine is moving. These movements are not diagnostic, but do give you an indication that there may be something going on at a spinal level.

The 5 Movements are;

  1. Touch Your Toes

Can you touch your toes, while keeping your knees straight? A healthy spine should allow this and this movement shouldn’t cause pain in your back.

2. Side Bends

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Relax your arms by your side and then bend to the side. See how far your hand can go down the outside of your leg. You should get past your knee. Try on the other side and compare. There should be little to not difference to these points on your knees. If there is, a problem may exist at a spinal level. There should be no pain or discomfort while bending to each side.

3. Mid Back & Shoulder Extension

Stand with feet, shoulder width apart and close to wall. Have bottom and mid back touching wall. With your forearms at right angles in front to you, lift them up so the back of your arms are touching the wall. All this while keeping your back to the wall. This is checking your mid back and shoulder flexibility and alignment. Problems here could warrant a spinal check up.

4. Hand Position

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Relax shoulders and arms. Look down and see where your hands are. Your thumb should be facing forward if you have no shoulder rolling. If your shoulders are rounded you will find that the backs of your hands are facing forward.

5. Neck Rotation

Stand and look forward. Turn your head to the right. You should have 90 degrees of rotation. Do the same on the other side. Are both sides moving evenly? There should be no pain or stiffness when trying this movement. If you do have problems, then a spinal check may be a good idea.

I you have issues with a few of these movements above, then there may be an indicator of an underlying spinal issues.

Give us a call on 9329 1118 and we would be more than happy to access your spinal health.