
Is my Low Back Pain a Disc Issue?

People with moderate to severe low back pain often think that their problem is a disc issue. In this video today we discuss  some of the most frequently asked questions, such as:

  1. What symptoms can accompany a disc problems
  2. Common causes of disc issues?
  3. Where does the pain come from?
  4. What signs do I need to look our for – to seek help?
  5. Do I need an MRI scan?    

What symptoms can accompany a disc problems

There are so many reasons that can be causing low back pain, so the confusion around this diagnosis is high. Only looking at symptoms without addressing other questions that will give clues to the correct diagnosis makes the job harder still. Getting a practitioner to help you can save you much time and frustration.

  • Low back pain
  • Leg numbness/pain
  • Foot numbness/pain
  • Tingling in thigh, leg or foot
  • Loss of strength in the leg or foot
  • Stiffness in the low back
  • Shooting/burning pain in the lower limb

What symptoms can accompany a disc problems

  • Accidents, sporting, motor vehicle or work
  • Falls off ladders, heights etc
  • Heavy lifting including lifting and twisting
  • One sided movements that are repetitive
  • Spinal deformity causing uneven loading over time
  • Excessive weight gain
  • Lack of movement and weak core muscles
  • Excessive sitting combined with a lack of exercise

What symptoms can accompany a disc problems?

  • Spinal nerves coming out and down the legs
  • Chronic inflammation and irritation to the ligaments
  • Changes to the joints alignment

What signs do I need to look our for – to seek help?

  • If you are having difficulty with normal daily activities such as bathing and getting dressed
  • Pain is too severe and cannot sleep adequately
  • Numbness in saddle region or lack of bladder or bowel control

Do I need an MRI scan? Do I need an operation?

If the pain is too severe to manage by yourself. When the leg pain and back pain get worse and do not improve, it’s then important to be referred out for further imaging, such as a MRI.

Can x-rays pick up a disc prolapse?

Some people have been told they have a disc issue and have not had adequate testing done. Our neurological evaluation, including reflex testing, muscle testing, etc all give us and indication, however are not definitive in a final diagnoses. As much as  X-rays will show up and signs of decay, such as disc wear – they are not used to diagnose a disc bulge or prolapse/herniation.

If you need more information on other possible causes of low back pain, CLICK HERE. Here is a 30 minute spinal flexibility and core workout by Dr. Lisa. CLICK HERE.

For more information on other possible ways to help please contact us personally on 9329 1118 or email us at info@errolstchiro.com.au For regular updates be sure to follow us on our Facebook and Instagram

Lisa Smycz, director