Category: Video
10 posts

Spinal Arthritis – What’s the Real Reason behind it?
[embed]https://youtu.be/dg6goiJza2w[/embed] How much does AGE have to do with Low Back Pain and Arthritis? Is spinal Arthritis normal with Ageing? What most Doctors don’t tell you about Spinal Arthritis. Low back pain is epidemic - and often when people

5 TOP TIPS to help Low Pain Sufferers in the CAR
https://youtu.be/pkQhIisUE9M 5 tips for LOW BACK PAIN sufferers in the CAR Most of us will be sitting in the car at some time over the course of a day. With some people, it’s their job to sit

Chronic LOW BACK PAIN? Is there a link with the lumbar curve?
https://youtu.be/ol2WqG9ZBq4 Research suggests there is a link between LOW BACK PAIN & low back CURVE Low back pain sufferers often suffer quietly. They look fine on the outside, but often struggle from the moment they get up

Sub-occipital Stretch (back of head)
[embed]https://youtu.be/Ko2mXnKbCsQ[/embed] The sub-occipital muscles are small but very important muscles that sit at the back of the head and help to connect the head to the top of the neck. These muscles can tighten up and

Can Poor Posture Lead to Neck Arthritis & Pain?
[embed]https://youtu.be/kb295Qbjhpg[/embed] Research has shown that not only forward head posture can aggravate neck arthritis and disc disease, and can potentially cause it. Look around you, what do you see with peoples’ posture? Lots of heads

3 Tips to Help Shoulder Tension
A very common problem we see in our office is people complaining of shoulders tightness or tension in the upper back and lower neck. The type of tension that requires lots of requests for