Category: Posture
66 posts

3 Tips to Help Tension Type HEADACHES
[embed]https://youtu.be/kCHxfD1Kp2k[/embed] 3 Tips to Help Tension Type Headaches In this video we go through 3 ways to help the tension in the neck and shoulders that may sometimes lead to headaches. POSTURE Maintaining great posture is important in

5 Common Mistakes people make when BUYING SHOES
Dr. Lisa Smycz, chiropractor from Errol Street Chiropractic is chatting to Kerryn Moscicki, the owner and founder of Radical Yes (www.radicalyes.com.au) shoe store in North Melbourne. We go through the 5 things that is important to

5 Movements a Healthy Spine should be able to do…Can you?
[embed]https://youtu.be/NZ3naQoqM10[/embed] Are you SITTING ALL DAY? Stiff, aching backs and shoulders could be an indicator or underlying problems. How often do you get your teeth checked? Every 6months or so (or at least should be!) We know with

Spinal Arthritis – What’s the Real Reason behind it?
[embed]https://youtu.be/dg6goiJza2w[/embed] How much does AGE have to do with Low Back Pain and Arthritis? Is spinal Arthritis normal with Ageing? What most Doctors don’t tell you about Spinal Arthritis. Low back pain is epidemic - and often when people

5 TOP TIPS to help Low Pain Sufferers in the CAR
https://youtu.be/pkQhIisUE9M 5 tips for LOW BACK PAIN sufferers in the CAR Most of us will be sitting in the car at some time over the course of a day. With some people, it’s their job to sit

Mid back/Scapular Stabilising Exercise PART 2
[embed]https://youtu.be/4DZFVxT1MV0[/embed] The mid-back and shoulder blade (scapula) area is the focus of this blog and video. This area is commonly weak if someone presents with a proximal cross posture. This posture is characterised by rounding of

Mid back/Scapular Stabilising Exercise PART 1
[embed]https://youtu.be/DnX-qtP2mUk[/embed] The mid-back and shoulder blade (scapula) area is the focus of this blog and video. This area is commonly weak if someone presents with a proximal cross posture. This posture is characterised by rounding of
No.1 Posture HACK for Neck PAIN & Shoulder TENSION
Shoulder tension, with or without neck pain and stiffness are common problems that people seek chiropractic care for. Often people who have sought care and tried different approaches for their problem, but the problem is unresolved