Can you get off Your Chair Hands Free?
If you are sitting for a chunk of your day, you can imagine how many times you get up and down from your chair. Can you get off
Get 10,000 Steps in Today
Rain ☔️ hail or shine 🌞 pop those runners on and get moving and aim to get 10,000 steps in today. Whatever the weather, it's a wonderful way to have a
Take a 30 Minute Desk Break
If your job involves sitting, or your relaxing, how often are YOU getting up? Are you getting up off your chair often enough. And how often should you get up?
Best Low Back Sitting Posture
Today your task (if you take up the challenge) is to check in with your sitting posture. Ideally we should be avoiding sitting, especially if there are low back issues, such
What are the Best Shoes for Best Posture?
What are you wearing on your feet? Are your shoes supportive? There are many things to consider when buying shoes. Whether the shoes are supporting you and are
Let's test your sitting posture.
Can you get through your day without sitting down? Some may feel that they never sit down and when they do the question of good sitting posture is thrown out the
How aligned is this posture on the couch?
Well if it's not fabulous then sit up and continue on watching or reading so you can get that 'best couch posture' become a habit.
Let's look at
Phone Posture Assessment
How would you describe your posture while on the phone? Is it in line with keeping a spine neutral (that Switzerland 🇨🇭 spine). As with most postures, we are not aware of them
Side Posture Assessment
Are your ‘Green Dots’ lining up? In this side posture assessment, we look at how you can assess your posture side on, and the possible areas in day to day life that can
Front on Posture - Making sure all your BLUE dots line up
Today’s task is to be aware of this front on posture, the posture where we are looking at ourselves face on.
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